Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131153-8620
Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131153-8720
Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131153-8020
Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131153-8520
Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131153-7620
Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131153-7920
Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131153-7120
E/ma/il:sandy at china-lutong dot net Julio dy sandy
China Lutong serves some of largest automotive markets such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Gulf States ,Pakistan ,south America, Europe, and Africa etc..
Head Rotor -Nozzles – Plungers-Diesel Fuel Pumps/injectors-Feed Pumps – Solenoids – Control Valve – Cam Disk – Common Rail systems